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****since graduating my master's I have been exploring science topics for breadth (see the page above titled "Exploring for Breadth") and occasionally making conceptual art about cognition (see the page above titled "Conceptual Art"). 

Formal Education

  • M.S. in Mathematics, Wake Forest University (Aug 2020 - May 2022)

    • math GPA: 3.8/4.0, overall GPA: 3.6/4.0, full scholarship & stipend

    • graduate coursework: Measure Theory I & II, Abstract Algebra I & II, Algebraic Topology, Linear Algebra II, Topology, Real Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, Bayesian Inference, Applied Bayesian Statistics, Multidimensional Data Analysis

    • two semesters of independent studies under Prof. John Holmes (now at Ohio State) in Distribution Theory and Distribution Theory with applications to Partial Differential Equations

  • B.S. in Mathematics, Wofford College (Sep 2016 - May 2018 & Feb 2019 - May 2020)

    • math GPA: 3.9/4.0, overall GPA: 3.9/4.0, full scholarship

    • I switched my major from biology to math as a second-semester junior after 8 months of full-time research at the Broad Institute (May 2018 - Feb 2019). For administrative reasons, I had to formally withdraw and then re-apply.

    • upper-level coursework: Computer Architecture, Data Structures & Algorithms, Advanced Game Theory, Point-Set Topology, Probability & Statistics I & II, Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos Theory, Geometry, Elementary Number Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Abstract Algebra I & II

Publication & Patent

  • Efficient, continuous mutagenesis in human cells using a pseudo-random DNA editor. Haiqi Chen, Sophia Liu*, Samuel Padula*, Daniel Lesman, Ketner Griswold, Allen Lin, Tongtong Zhao, Jamie Marshall, Fei Chen. Nature Biotechnology. February 2020. *signifies equal contribution. Link to paper. Link to patent.

Research Experiences

  • Jeremy Gunawardena's Virtual Cell Program. Harvard Medical School. Summer 2019.

    • We used ideas from matrix tree theorems and time-homogeneous Markov processes to model the physical limits of the cleavage mechanism and specificity of CRISPR-SpCas9. After this inspiring and humbling research experience, I studied math textbooks for 2 years.

    • Physical Limits of CRISPR-SpCas9 Specificity. Samuel Padula, Chris Nam, Jeremy Gunawardena. Summer Undergraduate Systems Biology Research Program Symposium. Link to poster.

  • Fei Chen's In-Situ Biology Lab. Broad Institute (and now Harvard Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology). May 2018 - Feb 2019.

    • The project that I worked on that proved to be successful was the second co-authorship publication and patent that is linked above. I also tinkered with a method for mapping immune cell-to-cell interactions via trogocytosis-mediated cell barcode labeling as well as an approach for tracking cell movements in deep brain tissue, but these didn't come to fruition.​

  • Suhasa Kodandaramaiah's Bio-Sensing and Bio-Robotics Lab. University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Winter 2018.

    • I spent a month here as a volunteer to become more familiar with ultra-thin and ultra flexible electronics for recording neural activity from mouse brains.

  • Huaye Zhang's Cellular Neuroscience Lab. Rutgers Robert Woods Johnson Medical School. Summer 2017.

    • Samuel Padula, Emily Kelly-Castro, Huaye Zhang. The role of microtubule affinity regulating kinase 1 (MARK1) in synaptic development and cognitive function. Neuroscience Summer Undergraduate Research Program Symposium. August 5, 2017. Piscataway, NJ.

  • Katherine Steinmetz's Neuroscience of Emotion and Cognition Lab. Wofford College. Fall 2016 - Spring 2017.

    • ​K. R. Mickley Steinmetz, K. S. Arjune, P. G. Bolton, A. E. Brasington, T. J. Bunge, S. V. Padula, T. K. Phillips, V. C. Zarubin; The effect of motivation and valence on attentional scope: An event-related potential (ERP) study. Society for Neuroscience. November 12, 2017. Washington DC.

TA Experiences

  • As a master's student at Wake Forest University:

    • Multivariable Calculus - Fall 2020 & Fall 2021

    • Graph Theory - Spring 2021

    • Linear Algebra & Differential Equations - Summer 2021

    • Linear Algebra - Summer 2021

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